Populus nigra + People II - cutout trees
Populus nigra + People II - cutout trees
Populus nigra + People II - cutout trees
Populus nigra + People II - cutout trees
Populus nigra + People II - cutout trees

Populus nigra + People II

Sale price€1.75 EUR

2546x 5379 Pixels. Cut out photo of Black poplar tree.

Populus nigra

En: Black poplar; Fr: Peuplier; Pt: Choupo negro; Es: Álamo negro. De: Schawrze Pappel; Nl: Italiaanse populier.

Deciduous tree up to 30m high, the Black poplar is common in all the temperate areas of the world. Native to Mediterranean region and all Europe, is also common in large areas of Asia. Introduced in North America, the black poplar tree is also found in Canada and USA. Commonly used in urban areas, parks and gardens.

Included in "12 Large Trees Pack".